Use Case Description

Here you will find all the expected paths the programm will have to go, to fulfill the all the requirements.

UC01: Add a feed

see UC01

preconditions: program is running (UC02)

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user fill in a form with the following infos:
    • Feed Name
    • Feed URL
    • Monitor intervall
    • checkbox if currently is monitored (default: true)
  3. The user presses the add button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. the configuration panel discards
  4. The system checks if the url is a valid RSS or ATOM feed.
    1. If it is not a valid feed, besides the field of the URL a warning in red letters will appear and the user has a chance to adjust his input.
  5. If it is a valid feed, the configuration file will be expanded and saved in the file system
  6. The feed information will display in the table of feeds

UC02: Start the tool

see UC02

  1. The user starts the tool at his system
  2. A splashscreen is shown
  3. The config file will be restored
    1. If there is no config file, a default config file will be created
  4. The feedinfo(entitys) will be restored
    1. If there is no feedinfo file, a empty feedinfo file will be created
  5. The tool opens directly in the systray
  6. Monitoring will be started

UC03: Stop the tool

see UC03

preconditions: program is running (UC02)

  1. The user stops the tool at the menu in the systemtray
  2. Monitoring will be stoped
  3. Due to the direct-save-policy no config or feedinfo has to be stored at this moment
  4. the tool will unload itself

UC04: Edit feed information

see UC04

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user selects an existing feed
  3. The user press the config button
  4. The user has now the possibility to change each property of this feed
  5. The user can fill in a form with the following infos:
    • Feed Name
    • Feed URL
    • Monitor intervall
    • checkbox if currently is monitored (default: true)
  6. The user presses the save button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. the edit modus will stop
  7. The system checks if the url is a valid RSS or ATOM feed.
    1. If it is not a valid feed, besides the field of the URL a warning in red letters will appear and the user has a chance to adjust his input.
  8. If it is a valid feed, the configuration file will be updated and saved in the file system
  9. The feed information will be displayed in the table of feeds

UC05: Delete a feed

see UC05

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user selects an existing feed
  3. The user press the delete button
  4. The user will be asked if he is sure
  5. The user presses the Yes button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. nothing will happen to the feed
  6. The system removes the feed from the list.
  7. The configuration file will be updated and saved in the file system
  8. The remaining feed information will be displayed in the table of feeds

UC06: Set the time frames

see UC06

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user selects the set time frames button
  3. The user is now able to enter information in three lines
    • define a vacation – dropdownbox with startdate and enddate
    • set days of week – 7 checkboxes for each day
    • set start and end time for a single day within a textfield (e.g. „0800-1200 1400-1635“)
  4. The user presses the ok button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. nothing will happen to time frames
  5. The system displayes the new time frames
  6. The configuration file will be updated and saved in the file system

UC07: Display an entry

see UC07

  1. The tool monitores the feeds within the selected time frames an in the selected intervall
  2. The tool has to check a url due to reaching an intervall or to user activation
  3. The opens a connection and retrieves following information
    • Entity Title
    • Entity URL
    • Entity Date
  4. The tool checks if this combination is allready in the Entity-Database
  5. The tool has not found it and therefore it creats a new entry.
    1. The tool found the entity and checks the displaycount
  6. the tool displayes the entity in a tray balloon for about 10 seconds
    1. If fhe displaycounts is equal or bigger than the displaycount the entity will not be shown
  7. The tool increases the displaycount of the entity by one
  8. It sets the latest updatetime to sysdate if the displaycount is at least as high as the max for shown entities
  9. In the case of displaying the entity: Offer the User 3 possibilities:
    • ignore entity -> sets the displaycount to the max
    • open entity -> opens the entityurl in the system defined standard browser
    • mark to read later -> reduces the displaycount of the entity by one and the displaycount is set to the max
  10. at the end of the complete check the database is checked for old entitys (their displaycount has not been updated for at least 2 month) and removes them from the database
  11. after the complete check the database is stored to the file system till the next check.

UC08: Manage monitored feeds

see UC08

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user can use checkboxes to select the monitored feeds
  3. The user presses the save button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. the configuration panel will disappear
  4. The configuration file will be updated and saved in the file system
  5. The selected feeds will only be monitored then

UC09: Set display count

see UC09

  1. The user opens the configuration panel from the sytem tray
  2. The user can use a textfield to set the display count of entries
  3. The user presses the save button
    1. the user presses the cancel button
    2. the configuration panel will disappear
  4. Entries displayed as often as the count was before will be set to the new count.
  5. The configuration file will be updated and saved in the file system
  6. The selected entries will only be shown as often as definedthen

UCSY: System behaviour

see UCSY

see requirements of the use case


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